What are moonshot OKRs and roofshot OKRs?


All modern OKR software like Weekdone support the notion of “moonshot” and “roofshot” OKRs.

Moonshot OKRs or stretch goals are goals that seem impossible to achieve. They should force teams and individuals to rethink how they work and take you out of your comfort zone. They should make everyone involved wonder, how far you can go.

The difference between moonshot OKRs and roofshot OKRs is the difference between aspirational and committed goals. Both types of OKRs have many benefits. 

Committed OKRs (roofshot OKRs) are ones that your organization or team has agreed to execute and might have a clear action plan for achieving. Aspirational OKRs – moonshot OKRs – are more visionary and likely won’t get completed 100%, but they are important for moving towards the future.

Moonshot OKRs are the lofty and ambitious Objectives where 100% completion is likely impossible. Objectives should be set with very high bars. Achieving these OKRs brings huge success, but the risk of failing is high as well. 

For both the roofshot and the moonshot OKRs what you measure with the Key Results can be the same. But how big the stretch is will define which type of goal it is.

With moonshots, 66-70%  progress achievement can be called a success. But you have to be careful. While these goals should be just out of reach, it’s important that people would still take them seriously. Employees need to do everything to achieve them. If 66% becomes the new 100% for everyone, nobody will push hard enough.

In Weekdone OKR software they are nicely separated via a one-click icon that appears by clicking on the OKR progress bar. Try it out here for free.

Need a simple online tool for OKRs? Check out Weekdone, the market leader in OKR software since 2012.